Monday, February 12, 2007


OK, so it has been awhile... I don't know why, just usual business. Well, I take that back, I did have a birthday and went to 2 plays and skiing all in the past 8 days!

The knitting has been totally occupied with my new obsession: Felted Clogs. I made a pair for myself that might just take the place of my most favorite slippers. This will be quite a bold statement if it happens, because those slippers have been my most favorite kind for the past 15 years. Here is a picture of the pre-felted:

and post-felted....

well they are still too big, so back in the wash they went and now they seem just perfect. They are drying out in my dining room.

Meantime, I have not made much progress on the Wine and Roses Mitts for Julia. The blue ones were a little big for her, so I though I'd just use smaller needles for hers.... except that I had a size 0 and bought another size 0 to do the 2 circular thing, but seem to have lost my original size 0. And even cleaning the house did not turn it up. So I will have to rob some sock in progress from its size 0 dpns and resume before the winter is over.

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