Friday, September 19, 2008


I found the mistake. I somehow added a few rows on the 3rd repeat.... so the whole side got ripped back. I decided I should use the full (last) ball of yarn so I hopefully won't need to start a new ball during the border. The first corner came out, but now on the second corner I am a row or two off. Can't find the same mistake again, but will have to look more closely. This is going to take a long time if I keep this pace up. I wish there was a way of checking as I go along.

Love the feel of this yarn and I really do like the pattern... enough that I want to do it again. Thinking I may do it in a DK weight so we can have a nice wool afghan for the winter. Someone on Ravelry had a beautiful one with a contrasting border.

Dana got his license this week and today was the first day driving on his own. I'm scared, but gotta let him go. Hopefully he has the skills to save himself and others from major injuries!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Field of Flowers Shawl

I'm coming near the end of the Field of Flowers shawl. I've gotten to the first corner of the the lace edging, but I'm stumped. The (very detailed) directions say I should be on row 18, but I'm on row 13. Ooops. Now what? Do I rip back or fudge it? I don't know what to do. The directions are so good, I don't know how I'm coming up so short. Where did those stitches go?

Love, love, love the yarn which is Alpaca from Knit Picks.