Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

I made a card for my husband... It is our 25th Valentine's Day together. I can't believe that is true since I feel like a 19 year old in my head.... the body is a whole other story. The bones creak and the muscles groan and that is just getting out of chair to a standing position if I have been sitting for any length of time longer than about 3 mintues. Youth is soooo wasted on the young! I decided to make some Valentine cookies with candy coated mini hershey kisses (which I have never seen before), but while the second batch was cooking we lost power due to the storm. Now this would not have been a problem in the old kitchen, because the oven and stove were gas. But with the new kitchen I bought myself a dual-fuel range which means it has gas burners and an electric oven. And I love it that way.... I love the convection option, 3 trays of cookies can cook evenly all at once. But hmmm, when the power goes out because of an ice storm, the oven doesn't work. So the first set of cookies came out fine, but the second set were only 4 minutes in the oven before the power went out. I decided to finish cooking them on the burners like pancakes. I think they came out alright. Some were burnt and I tossed them out, but the rest seem OK. I'll let you know if we all have food poisoning tomorrow.

We went to see the play "Doubt" this past weekend. It was one of the best plays I have ever seen, well written, well acted. I can see why it won both a Tony for best play and best actress. Cherry Jones was just amazing. It is hard to believe she didn't grow up Catholic.

On to knitting news:

My slippers are done.... however they are still too big. And by "big" I mean they are too wide, so they slip off my feet when I am walking. Dare I throw them in the washer again? Will they shrink too much in length and not enough in width. I don't know what to do. They are quite comfy though, and I will definitely be making another pair since DS would like a pair as well.

I also totally frogged the Inishmoore that I had started and found a mistake on that I could not easily fix. Since Wendy is doing Cromarty and I have always loved that pattern, I decided to use this yarn to make that one instead. I am not sure why I didn't do this to begin with instead of starting Inishmoore. I think I was intrigued with the Irish sweater look of Inishmoore. But it is done and I will be starting Cromarty shortly.

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